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Published by: Jameela Ghann
All good things must come to an end... and be replaced by something much better! Earlier this month we launched a beautiful new editor for you. It is the latest step in becoming your all-in-one, easy to use social proof platform :)

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Social Proof Platform Fera Editor

a You might have already noticed us upgrading and adding new features to your dashboard like
  1. Auto-Pilot campaigns, to help you gather photos, reviews, and videos,
  2. Auto-posting to social media to help you show off your awesome reviews
  3. Powerful A/B testing to better optimize your social proof and improve your sales.
And with this major update, we are making sure you get everything you ever wanted.  
  • You wanted speed and performance? You got it.
  • You wanted an easy way to see and edit your social proof - live? You got it.
  • You wanted a more intuitive user experience? You got it!

A tiny sampling of new features

The new editor also has some great features that you don’t want to miss trying out!

Live View - Desktop and Mobile

Social Proof Platform Fera Editor Desktop View

Of course, the biggest improvement for the Fera the editor is that you can see all your changes LIVE. That’s right, when you make a change, you will get to see how they will appear on your website in realtime. This means that you never have to guess if your social proof content will show up correctly in the browser or open up your store in a new tab. All your changes are on full display - right away.

How to use Live View - Location Selector

Changing The Location

Using the Live Editor to move your social proof into the right place is as easy as 1, 2, 3
  1. Click ‘Choose Location’ button in the left menu
  2. Hover over the place you want to see your social proof appear
  3. Click on your desired location

That’s it! Easy and Intuitive.

Advanced Editor

If you are a large store and have a team of developers, you can take a look at our advanced options.

  1. Add your own CSS
  2. Prioritize certain widgets over others
  3. Create ‘Anti-Widgets’ where a widget won’t run if another appears on a page.

Advanced Skills


Try The New Editor Now

Head to your dashboard today to try it out!

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This is just the beginning of more amazing things to come!  

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> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a Yes.

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