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When you’re running a Shopify ecommerce store, you have a lot to manage:

  • product research
  • inventory management
  • order fulfillment
  • logistics
  • customer service
  • marketing
  • ...and more!

There’s a point in every business when it doesn’t make sense for a single individual to try to juggle everything.

When that time comes, a great place to start is hiring a virtual assistant (VA).

A VA can help you with a lot of different elements of running your store, including marketing initiatives that increase Shopify sales and grow your business.

Here are the top five ways a VA can help you increase Shopify store sales quickly.

  1. Optimize product listing for SEO and conversions
  2. Create and abandoned care campaign that converts
  3. Test and optimize Facebook and Google ads
  4. Use reviews and leverage them on social
  5. Work with influencers in your niche

1. Optimize product listings for SEO and conversions

Keyword research, competitive analysis, and copywriting with proper optimization of product listings requires time that you may not have the luxury of or the skills for.

A VA can take the research and optimization activities to create product listings that convert.

Enhanced product listings can increase conversation rates and sales in your Shopify store.

Hiring a VA is an efficient way to make it happen.

2. Create an abandoned cart campaign that converts

You work hard to get customers to your site.

If they leave without purchasing, it’s more cost-effective to bring them back than it is to attract new visitors (though these two initiatives aren’t mutually exclusive).

A VA can create an abandoned cart email that incentivizes visitors to finish their purchases.

3. Test and optimize Facebook and Google ads

Doing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for a Shopify store—well, doing it right—takes time.

You have to create ad variations, conduct target and keyword research, and continually test, test, test.

It’s easy to set it and forget it, but that approach is throwing money away.

A VA can monitor and optimize your ads to bring in visitors and sales to your shop.

4. Use reviews and leverage them on social

Because your Shopify site doesn’t automatically show reviews and other social proof, you’re missing out on sales.

That's because over 70% of people won't consider buying a product if it doesn't have any reviews.

By integrating Fera’s review app on your Shopify site, you target your visitors’ innate desire to make the right purchase.

A VA can set up your automatic review request campaigns, approve reviews and re-use them on social media.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

5. Work with Influencers in your niche

Finding and working with influencers is a high-impact way to increase sales on a Shopify store.

But it’s time consuming to identify and coordinate with these influencers.

With a little guidance on the types of influencers you want to work with, a virtual assistant can do outreach, follow-up, and coordination with influencers who meet your criteria.

These are five tasks you can outsource to a freelance VA immediately.

Once you’re ready to increase your Shopify sales even more, learn about other key freelancers you can bring on board.


About the Author


Connor Gillivan is the CMO and co-owner of FreeeUp.com, a rapidly growing freelance marketplace making hiring online simpler. Also, he has sold over $30 million online, has hired hundreds of freelancers to build his companies, is a published author, and is the owner of ConnorGillivan.com. He currently lives in Denver, CO.

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