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Published by: Fera Team

Why You Need to Add Customer Photos to Your Product Page

It seems like a given in today's world, but having customer photos to your product page helps your business grow. 

That is because displaying customer photos on your online store:

  1. Builds Trust
  2. Shows Authencity
  3. Creates Demand

To back up our claims, we did our research!

Studies show what consumers are '2.4 times more likely to view user-generated content as authentic compared to content created by brands'.

The same source revealed that '90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support', it's important to note that user-generated content (UGC) includes customer photos! 

As an online store owner, you should know that gathering, managing and displaying this content can help your brand appear more authentic to your shoppers.

User Generated Content Shopify Product Page

You can use Fera to tell a story to your shoppers that is authentic, trustworthy, and will drive sales!

How Customer Photos Improve your Conversion Rate

Customer Photos Boost Conversions

Images are what people see first and tend to gravitate toward. 

If visitors don't like the photos they see, or they're bad, they'll leave and buy elsewhere. If you can show them great photos they'll be engaged and likely to stay. 

 The vast majority of millennials (86% of millennials to be exact) revealed that UGC is a good indicator of the quality of a brand. 

Not only that, but a lot of them take that into consideration when making a buying decision. 

When you have authentic useful customer photos on your product page, you are better able to convert a shopper. 

That's because they can SEE that other people love your stuff. 

Seeing is believing! 

These visuals lead your shopper to take a chance on you or your product and improves your conversion rate in the process!

What About Adding Customer Photos to Collection Pages?

Collection pages should utilize a photo to highlight the collection or a bestselling item and product pages show more detail for individual item(s). 

The most important thing is to use high-quality photos on your collection pages! 

For all your other photos, make sure they are:

  • not pixelated
  • not on distracting backgrounds
  • show different angles of the product
  • are well lit

How to Add Customer Photos to your Product Page

Using photos that are created by your users on your social media and your eCommerce site is a great way to boost conversions and increase sales! 

 Having a photo wall is a great form of social proof, and it can help add trust and credibility to your eCommerce business.

Add Customer Photos To Product Oage

[How To Video] Add customer photos to your product page

See how easy it is to add photos to your product page with Fera by checking out this video!

Add Social Proof and User-Generated Photos To Your Product Page on Shopify or BigCommerce

Adding User-Generated Photos from social media or other online sources is a great way to boost your sales.

Using the 'Display a Wall of Photos on Your Product Page widget

You'll want to use the 'Display a Wall of Photos on Your Product Page' widget in Fera.ai to add the photos to your Product Page. 

You can use photos that your company has been tagged in on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else and add them to your site. 

Simply take a screenshot on your computer (or use our handy 'gather' tool) so you can add the file to the widget in the Fera app. 

The widget can show 10 photos-keep that in mind!

Choose Wall Of Photos Widget

As we all know- a picture is worth 1000 words! 

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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