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Published by: Lisa Glutting
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the simulation of the human intelligence processes by machines. It's trying to mimic human speech, behavior, feelings and other aspects. It seems like an easy way to personalize and humanize your business, but how can we utilize AI in eCommerce?

AI and eCommerce

Many eCommerce businesses and platforms already use AI technology to develop their ideas and to interact with their customers. This helps to better understand your customers and their behaviours. It can even generate new leads or better the customer's experience on your site.

Targeting your customers

AI can help determine potential new customers for your business. You're able to find pre-qualified potential buyers who may be interested in your product or your service. Because many stores already have customer data lying around it can be utilized to help target shoppers.

Personalization for your customers

Artificial intelligence can also help you personalize each individual user's experience(s) and implement behavioural marketing. If you visit a site it may notice you spend more time looking at the electronics collections than the cat toys. AI can start to learn your behaviours and shopping patterns and then provide you deals on certain electronics, or send targeted ads for specific electronic merchandise. You can also capture the attention of shoppers by using chatbots. As a result, they can help provide easy and effective customer support if needed. Chatbots used in the cart pages can provide a customer with specific product details if they need further information, and this can lead to a sale. It seems like an easy way for customers to get the information and the answers they need before making a purchase.

Offering Recommendations

As mentioned earlier, a lot of stores have a lot of data from their users without knowing what to do with it. This is where AI can step in. It can assisst with sales, by offering recommendations based on the recent searches made by a customer. By offering potentially relevant items, or items that can be paired with the product they are browsing, there is a higher potential for success in upselling. Customers like not having to sift through products that are not relevant to them and it increases the likelihood of sales for the eCommerce store owner.

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