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Published by: Fera Team

Exciting News!

We're thrilled to announce that the Bon Loyalty and Fera integration has finally arrived!

If you've ever wondered about the effectiveness of using loyalty points as incentives for customer reviews, wonder no more. Bon Loyalty is the answer you've been seeking!

With this integration, you'll now have the power to reward your customers with loyalty points through Bon whenever they share their thoughts on Fera.

Let's dive into the details of this collaboration.

About Bon

Introducing Bon Loyalty Bon Loyalty is a versatile app designed to transform your shoppers into devoted patrons through offering rewards.

You can harness a variety of features and options to fine-tune how points are earned and spent.

Moreover, Bon Loyalty offers complete customization for the design of your loyalty campaign.

When it comes to pricing, Bon Loyalty offers three main plans:

Forever Free

  • Points, rewards & referral program
  • Default loyalty widget
  • Automated emails
  • 250 monthly orders

Lite ($15/month)

  • Advanced loyalty program
  • POS fully integrated
  • Advanced branding: landing page, hyperlink
  • All integrations
  • 500 monthly orders

Growth ($99/month)

  • All features in Lite 
  • VIP Tiers (with customer perks to drive purchases) 
  • Unlock custom CSS (with assistance from our dev) 
  • Unlimited orders

Integrating Fera with Bon Loyalty

By combining Fera with Bon Loyalty, you unlock a world of possibilities:

  • Reward customers for their reviews
  • Adjust the points awarded to customers
  • Provide extra points for submissions with media content
  • Example: Create two reward types, one for customer reviews (10 points) and another for reviews with media (20 points).

So, if a customer shares a review without adding images, they'll receive 10 points. However, if they go the extra mile and include a photo or video, they'll earn a generous 20 points.

Want to Harness the Power of Fera with Bon Loyalty?

Eager to get started right away?

Rest assured, following the instructions in this user-friendly help document won't take more than a few minutes.

For those who prefer a visual guide, check out our step-by-step tutorial!

Integrate Fera and Bon

The integration of Fera and Bon Loyalty marks a significant stride forward for eCommerce businesses like yours, aiming to enhance customer engagement and loyalty initiatives.

Bon Loyalty's versatile app, designed to transform buyers into loyal enthusiasts through enticing rewards, is now even more powerful with Fera's review management system in tow!

This integration empowers you to grant loyalty points to customers whenever they share their reviews on Fera, allowing you to customize the points awarded and include media submissions.

The setup is a breeze, and the benefits are substantial, making it a superb choice for businesses of all sizes.

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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