Gift Banner

Incentivize larger purchases with a free gift.
Add Widget To Store
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About This Widget:

The new Gift Banner widget helps you promote larger checkouts in your Shopify, BigCommerce or other platform store.

Customize your Gift Banner

Choose how many products need to be purchased to qualify, and how many gift products should be offered.

Customize the Banner Appearance

Customize how the promotion looks in your store and what content/images you want to display.

Banner Won't Show If Product is Out Of Stock

The Gift Banner widget automatically detects if the product being offered is out of stock, and if so it will not show the banner to shoppers.

Decide on Banner Conditions

Use the standard Fera condition system to fine-tune specific use cases of when you want the promotion to show and when you do not want it to show.

Why Add This Widget?

  • Increase Average Order Size

Store Sections This Runs:

  • Global

Compatible Platforms:

  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce


  • Personalized Promotion

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