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For many handmade sellers, Etsy has long been the go-to platform for selling their goods online.

However, as Etsy has evolved over the years, some sellers have become frustrated with the limitations and challenges of the platform. Many are wondering if it is worth it to sell on Etsy.

Whether it's the ever-changing algorithms, the fees that eat into profits, or the difficulty of standing out in a crowded marketplace, many sellers are beginning to look for alternative platforms that offer greater control, lower fees, and more opportunities to grow their businesses.

One platform that has been gaining traction among handmade sellers is Wix, a website builder that offers a range of e-commerce tools and features designed specifically for small businesses.

In this post, we'll explore the main reasons sellers are migrating from Etsy to Wix and what you should consider if you're considering making the switch yourself.

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More Control Over Your Store

More Control Over Your Store

One of the main frustrations many Etsy sellers experience is the feeling that they need more control over their stores.

Etsy's policies and algorithms can sometimes feel arbitrary or opaque, making it difficult for sellers to understand why their products are not being promoted or sold.

In contrast, Wix offers a high degree of customization and flexibility, allowing sellers to design their storefronts, set their own pricing and shipping policies, and control their online presence's overall look and feel.

With Wix, you have complete control over your store, from product listings to checkout, allowing you to create the kind of shopping experience you want for your customers.

Lower Fees

Another major factor driving many sellers away from Etsy is the platform's fees. One of the most common complaints among Etsy sellers is that the platform's fees can eat into their profits.

While Etsy's commission rates may seem reasonable at first glance, they can quickly add up, especially for sellers selling high volumes of products or higher-priced items.

Etsy Fees Add Up

Etsy Fees Add Up

In addition to the listing fees and transaction fees that Etsy charges, sellers may have to pay several other fees. For example, if you use Etsy's payment processing system, you'll be subject to a payment processing fee.

If you use Etsy's shipping labels, you'll be charged for the cost of postage and a transaction fee on the shipping cost.

Finally, if you choose to use Etsy's advertising services to promote your listings, you'll be subject to additional fees based on your advertising budget and the number of clicks your ads receive.

These fees can add up quickly and significantly impact your bottom line as a handmade seller on Etsy.

Wix Fees are a Little More Transparent

In contrast, Wix offers its users a more transparent and affordable pricing structure.

While there are some fees associated with selling on Wix (such as payment processing fees and subscription fees for certain apps), these are generally lower than what you'll find on Etsy.

Plus, Wix offers more flexibility in how you choose to promote and market your store, which can help you reduce your advertising costs and increase your profits over time.

Etsy Fees vs. Wix Fees

Etsy fees vs Wix fees

Let's look at how Etsy and Wix's fees compare for different types of transactions.

Listing Fees

The listing fee on Etsy is $0.20 per item, while Wix charges no listing fees.

Transaction Fees

Both platforms charge a transaction fee when a sale is made. On Etsy, this fee is 6.5% of the total sale price, while on Wix, its transaction fees vary based on your location.

  • United States: 2.9% + 0.3 USD
  • Canada: 2.9% + 0.3 CAD
  • Europe: 1.9% + 0.3 EUR
  • UK: 2.1% + 0.2 GBP
  • Switzerland: 2.3% + 0.3 CHF

So, for a $50 sale, Etsy would charge $3.25 in fees, while Wix would charge $1.75 in fees.

That is almost TWICE as much in fees!

Shipping Fees

Etsy charges a transaction fee for shipping labels purchased through the platform, while Wix does not offer a built-in shipping label service.

Instead, Wix integrates with third-party shipping providers like Shippo and ShipStation, which may charge separate fees.

Overall, while Wix's monthly plan may seem slightly higher than Etsy's, the non-existent listing fees and more affordable payment processing fees can make a big difference over time.

Plus, Wix's more flexible approach to shipping can help sellers save money on shipping costs in the long run.

Better Marketing Opportunities

Better Marketing Opportunities

One of the biggest challenges for many Etsy sellers is standing out in a crowded marketplace. With millions of sellers and products to choose from, it can be challenging to get your products seen by potential customers.

Etsy’s Search Algorithm is Opaque

One of the biggest frustrations for Etsy sellers is the platform's search algorithm, which can make it difficult for handmade products to be seen by potential buyers.

Etsy's algorithm is designed to prioritize listings most likely to result in a sale based on relevance, quality, and customer experience.

While this may sound like a good thing, it can also be challenging for new or smaller sellers to compete with more established sellers with more sales and positive reviews.

As a result, many sellers struggle to get their products seen by potential customers.

Wix Offers Better Marketing Tools

Wix Offers Better Marketing tools

In contrast, Wix offers a more level playing field for sellers. Wix provides various marketing tools and features to help sellers promote their products to a broader audience.

SEO Tools

Rather than relying on complex algorithms to determine which listings are shown to customers, Wix uses a more straightforward system.

Wix offers its sellers Search Engine (SEO) tools that allow sellers to optimize their listings based on keywords, product descriptions, and other factors to help improve their visibility in search results.

Social Media

Wix also offers a range of social media integrations, making it easy to connect your store with your existing social media profiles and reach a wider audience through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

You can even use Wix's built-in social media management tools to schedule and automate your social media posts, saving you time and effort.

Email Marketing

In addition to SEO and social media, Wix also offers a variety of other marketing tools and features, including email marketing campaigns, retargeting ads, and more.

With these tools, you can create targeted campaigns to reach specific audiences, promote your products to previous customers, and grow your online presence over time.

Overall, Wix offers handmade sellers a more comprehensive and flexible approach to online marketing, allowing you to reach a wider audience and grow your business in a way that's tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Helpful Wix Apps

Wix offers a variety of apps, marketing tools, and strategies to help sellers increase their visibility and grow their business.

Here are some examples:

Wix SEO Wiz

This tool helps you optimize your store's SEO by providing step-by-step guidance on improving your website's ranking on search engines like Google.

It offers personalized recommendations for optimizing your store's pages and provides you with an SEO plan tailored to your specific needs.

Social Media Integrations

Wix makes it easy to connect your store with your existing social media profiles and share your products with your followers.

You can add social media icons to your store, embed social media feeds, and even use Wix's social media management tools to schedule and automate your social media posts.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Wix offers a built-in email marketing tool that allows you to create professional-looking email campaigns to promote your products and engage with your customers.

You can choose from various customizable templates and track the performance of your campaigns using detailed analytics.

Fera Reviews App

Wix integrates with Fera Reviews, a third-party app that allows you to collect and display customer reviews on your store.

Customer reviews are essential in building trust with potential customers and can help increase your store's visibility in search engine results.

Overall, Wix offers a range of powerful marketing tools and apps that can help handmade sellers increase their visibility and grow their business.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Whether you're looking to improve your SEO, get more product reviews, connect with customers on social media, or run targeted advertising campaigns, Wix has the tools to succeed.

Wix Offers More Support and Resources

Wix Offers More Support and Resources

One common frustration for Etsy sellers is the inconsistency and difficulty of navigating Etsy's customer service and support system.

While Etsy has a support team to help sellers with their questions and concerns, the experience can vary widely depending on the nature of the issue and the representative you happen to be working with.

Etsy Slow Customer Service

Some sellers have reported that Etsy's customer service could be faster to respond, leaving them waiting for days or even weeks for a resolution.

Others have complained about receiving generic or unhelpful responses from Etsy representatives, which can be frustrating and unproductive.

Etsy’s Support System is Difficult to Navigate

Another area for improvement with Etsy's support system is that it can be difficult to navigate.

With so many different departments and categories, it can take time to find the right person to talk to about your specific issue, and this can lead to clarity and delays in getting the help you need.

Wix has 24/7 Support

In contrast, Wix offers a more streamlined and accessible support system for sellers.

With 24/7 support available via phone, email, and chat, you can get real-time help with your questions and concerns.

Wix also offers a range of self-help resources, including a knowledge base, community forums, and video tutorials, making it easy to find answers to your questions and learn more about the platform.

Overall, while Etsy has a support system to help sellers, the experience can be inconsistent and difficult to navigate.

On the other hand, Wix offers a more comprehensive and accessible support system, which can be a major benefit for sellers looking for a platform that prioritizes customer service and support.

Wrapping It Up

Moving Your Etsy Store to Wix

Etsy sellers are migrating to Wix for various reasons, including lower fees, more control over their store's design and branding, better marketing tools and strategies, and a more accessible and reliable customer support system.

Overall, Wix provides a compelling alternative to Etsy for handmade sellers looking to grow their business.

By switching to Wix, you could save money on fees, have more control over your store's branding and design, and access various marketing tools to help you increase your visibility and grow your business.

Of course, it's important to note that every platform is flawed, and any online selling platform will always have challenges and limitations.

However, for handmade sellers who are looking for a more transparent and accessible platform to showcase their products, Wix is worth considering.

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