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Published by: Fera Team

Negative reviews are real!

No matter how much you go above and beyond, some of your customers might encounter a bad experience and write about it online.

So, what's the best solution? Hide the negative reviews? Delete them?

Absolutely not!

One of the most practical ways to deal with these situations is to calm yourself and write a reasonable response.

Even though this can seem a little challenging initially, it will all be much more natural as time goes by.

And, if you don't believe us, just look at this statistic...

Over 45% of consumers say they're actually more likely to visit a company that responds to negative reviews.

That's why, in today's article, we will be teaching you how to respond to negative feedback like a 1-star review and win back all of those customers.

Strap in because we're sliding straight in!

Why Is It Important To Respond To Negative Reviews?

Nearly 9 out of 10 people read online product reviews before they make a purchase decision.

And, even though you can't really control what customers write about your business, you can control your response to their negative reviews and explain your side to potential shoppers.

So, let's see why it's essential to respond to negative reviews online!

Why it is Important to Reply to Negative Reviews

Show Individuals You Have Excellent Customer Service

By responding to negative reviews, you're showing other shoppers that you're listening to your customers and caring about what they say.

And, in this day and age, consumers want to be heard and acknowledged.

This will help you earn more trust and encourage more reviews.

Gain More Insight About What Happened

By responding to the review and asking to get the conversation offline, you can learn more about what went wrong and how you can fix it so that it doesn't happen to other potential customers.

Now, that's a win-win scenario right there.

Build Longer Relationships

Responding to negative feedback allows you to showcase yourself in a much brighter light and help build a long and lasting relationship.

You can communicate with them every now and then to show how much you appreciate them as a customer.

Opportunity to Change Their Mind

Some customers might even change their opinion and switch that negative review to a positive one.

Get More Sale Conversions

When visitors see how well you treat your customers, they will be likelier to go with your brand and make a purchasing decision.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

What To Do When You Get a Negative Review?

1. Stay Calm

Before you read the review or write your response, just take a quick moment to calm yourself down and settle things in your head.

You can even go outside to take some nice, fresh air; it will be incredibly helpful for the whole process.

We understand that staying calm in these situations can be hard, but it's the only way to succeed.

However, replying in anger will never lead to a positive outcome.

On the contrary, it will only make things worse for you and your company.

As Rishi Pushkarna would say, "A decision taken in anger is one of the worst decisions of life..."

2. Acknowledge The Review

Now once you've calmed down, you can go ahead and read the review. Try to put yourself in the shopper's perspective and understand why he's so upset.

This way, you can find the issue and solve it as fast as you can.

Was it because of the quality of the product or maybe because of the delivery service?

Remember - constructive feedback is always helpful and can help you advance further.

3. Don't Dismiss the Review

Even though there might be times when the review might seem questionable, you should never dismiss it.

As we mentioned before, this can be a bad decision for you and your brand.

For example, with Fera, when you reply to a negative review, it will then rank lower.

This is because it means that the issue has been addressed (or is being addressed) and less relevant to other customers.

Don't Dismiss a Negative Review

How To Respond To Negative Reviews Online?

Once you've laid the groundwork, it's time to start crafting your response to your customer.

Again, the key here is customization.

You don't want to copy the same response repeatedly for every customer; this will probably do more harm than good.

Let's go through a few essential tips you should follow while writing your initial response - shall we?

1. Apologize

"The customer is always right."

Even if you feel like the buyer is wrong, you should always remember to take the high road and apologize to your customers. Again, this is something that can go a long way for you.

Not only will this appease the customer, but it will also show all the other buyers that you care about offering high-quality services.

Believe it or not, over 40% of individuals only want a truthful apology from the manufacturer - nothing else.

Try to make your apologies short and straight to the point.

Here are a few examples of how this should look like:

  • "We are sorry to hear that your experience didn't match your overall expectations."
  • "We truthfully apologize for our mistake. Let's make this right."

Apologize When Replying to Negative Reviews

2. Be Responsible

Don't make any kind of excuses. Nobody really wants to read a super-long explanation for why something resulted in a bad experience. Long-winded explanations can seem defensive and unprofessional.

For instance, let's look at two different replies, and you decide which sounds better, okay?

 Reply A: You're right. No one should wait an hour for a regular dish of pasta. We will take this review into consideration.

 Reply B: We are busy during weekends, so that's why our service is a bit slower. We only have three chefs in the kitchen. And the entire preparation takes much more time than you think.

Clearly, the first reply sounds way better!

3. Create A Solution

Finding a solution is one of the most important things in dealing with these reviews.

Rather than losing your customer over a single negative experience, try to use this opportunity to turn them into your best supporters.

For example, let's say that you have a carpet cleaning store and accidentally ruin your customer's rug.

So, chances are the client will go online and share his negative experience immediately.

So, rather than just ignoring it, you can give them credit for a free carpet cleaning service or tell them that you would replace their rug with a new one (completely free of charge).

And don't worry about losing profit.

As your customer base grows, you will quickly recap these additional costs.

4. Talk With the Customer

Instead of going back and forth in public, it's always good for you and the shopper to continue the conversation on your own terms.

And this actually means going on a private platform.

You can do this in several smart ways:

  1. Through a quick call,
  2. Direct messages,
  3. Or even email.

But just remember - always make sure that you ask the customer to reach out to you because you don't want to put their number, email, or any other personal information on a public website.

Here are a couple of words you can say:

 "We would like to investigate this case even further. Please can you personally reach out via email ("your email") or phone ("your phone")? We are more than happy to resolve the issue."

 "You may reach out to us anytime at (your email). We're available 24/7 for our customers. Again, thank you for your feedback!"

Talk With the Customer

5. Try to Flip the Negative Review

But that doesn't end there.

There's still one more thing you can actually do to UNO reverse the situation and turn the negative review into a positive one.

Just follow up with the individual and see whether the issue is resolved. If yes, then you can politely ask him to share some public feedback on this experience.

A testimonial from an individual who previously had a negative experience is to be one of the most powerful lead-generating tactics available.

Example: Negative Review Responses

Before we show you some real-life examples, let's see how you can easily implement everything we discussed in just one paragraph.

Negative Review Response Example 1:

"Hello (name of the customer). We're so sorry to hear that you aren't satisfied with our services/products. We would like to make things right. Please reach out to (contact info). We're available throughout the day. Looking forward to hearing from you."

Negative Review Response Example 2:

"Hi (name of the customer). Thank you so much for your feedback. Customer satisfaction is and always has been one of our top priorities. We're terribly sorry to hear about your experience and highly appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Please reach out to (contact info), and we will make sure to solve your problem."

Negative Review Response Example 3:

"(Customer's name), I'm so sorry to hear about (add details from review). Maximum satisfaction is our main goal at (your company name). Please reach out at (number) or (email) so that we can make it up to you; thanks, (Your name)."

Now, let's see some real-life examples that some of the top companies have used:

Replying to Negative Reviews Example 1

Replying to Negative Reviews Example 2

Replying to Negative Reviews Example 3

More Examples of How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Review responses for when you want to apologize

"We're deeply sorry for your experience. We know we did not meet your expectations, and we're committed to making things right."

"We take your feedback very seriously, and we're truly sorry to hear about your negative experience. We're working hard to improve our products and services, and we appreciate your patience and understanding."

"We're disappointed that we didn't live up to your standards. We're always looking for ways to improve, and we'll take your feedback to heart."

Review responses for when you want to offer a resolution

"We'd like to offer you a replacement product or a full refund. Please contact us directly at [contact information] so we can make arrangements."

"We're committed to resolving this issue for you as quickly as possible. Please provide us with more details about your experience, and we'll get back to you within 24 hours."

"We're happy to work with you to find a solution that works for everyone. Please contact us at [contact information] to discuss your options."

Review responses for when you want to show you are going to improve

"We're committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience. We'll use your feedback to make improvements to our products, services, and processes."

"We're always striving to improve, and your feedback is invaluable to us. We'll take your suggestions into consideration as we make changes to our business."

"We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us. We'll use your comments to make our business better for everyone."

Review responses for when you need more information

"We'd like to learn more about your experience so we can better understand the issue and take corrective action. Please contact us at [contact information] to provide us with more details."

"We're sorry to hear about your negative experience. Please provide us with more information so we can investigate the issue and take steps to prevent it from happening again."

"We appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. Please provide us with more details so we can take appropriate action."

Review responses for when you need to take things offline

"We'd like to make things right for you. Please contact us at [contact information] so we can discuss your experience further and find a solution that works for everyone."

"We're grateful for your feedback, and we hope you'll give us another chance to show you what we're capable of. Please contact us at [contact information] to discuss your next purchase."

"We're committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience. Please contact us at [contact information] if you have any questions or concerns."

Examples of responding to specific negative reviews from customers

Issues with returns

Review: "I received a defective product from this company and it's been a nightmare trying to get a replacement. I'm very unhappy with the service I've received."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I know how frustrating it can be to receive a defective product, and I'm even more disappointed to hear that you've had difficulty getting a replacement. I've taken the liberty of escalating your issue to our customer service team, and they will be in touch with you shortly to resolve the matter. In the meantime, please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience."

Inconsistent quality

Review: "I've purchased this product multiple times and the quality is never consistent. Sometimes it's great, other times it's terrible. I'm disappointed in the lack of consistency."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I understand your frustration. We take quality control very seriously, and we're always looking for ways to improve our products. I've shared your feedback with our product development team, and they will be reviewing it carefully. In the meantime, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help with your current purchase."

Out of stock

Review: "I went to buy a specific product at this store, but they were out of stock. I'm disappointed that they don't keep their inventory up-to-date."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I apologize for the inconvenience of us being out of stock of the product you were looking for. We do our best to keep our inventory up-to-date, but sometimes we experience unexpected demand or supply chain disruptions. I've shared your feedback with our inventory management team, and they will be looking for ways to improve our forecasting accuracy."


Review: "I was shocked at how expensive the prices were at this store. I feel like I was overcharged for what I bought."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I understand your concern. We strive to offer fair and competitive pricing, but we also recognize that everyone has different budgets. If you'd like to discuss your purchase in more detail, please feel free to contact me directly. I may be able to offer you a discount or refund."

Unexpected fees

Review: "I was really frustrated to find out that there were hidden fees associated with my purchase. It felt dishonest and misleading."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I sincerely apologize for the hidden fees. We strive to be transparent about all fees and charges, but we understand that there may be room for improvement. We're currently working on a new pricing model that will eliminate hidden fees altogether. In the meantime, I've issued a refund for the fees you paid."

Wrong charges

Review: "I received an incorrect bill from this company and it's been a hassle trying to get it resolved. I'm disappointed in the lack of customer service."

Response: "Dear [Reviewer], I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I understand how frustrating it can be to receive an incorrect bill, and I'm even more disappointed to hear that you've had difficulty getting it resolved. I've taken the liberty of escalating your issue to our billing department, and they will be in touch with you shortly to resolve the matter. In the meantime, please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience."

How to respond to 1-star reviews with no text

Why do customers leave 1-star reviews with no text?

There are a few possible reasons why a customer might leave a 1-star review with no text:

  • They may have had a very negative experience, but they are too frustrated or angry to write a detailed review.
  • They may have simply forgotten to add a comment.
  • They may be trying to bring down your overall rating.

The best way to respond to a 1-star review with no text is to be polite and professional, and to invite the customer to provide more information about their experience. 

This shows that you are concerned about their feedback and that you are committed to improving your business.

Here is an example of a response you could use:

Dear [Reviewer],

We noticed that you left a 1-star rating without any comment. We value all feedback and would appreciate it if you could provide more information about your experience with our business. Your feedback helps us improve and provide better service to our customers.

If there's anything we can do to address your concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at [contact information]. Thank you for your time and we hope to have the opportunity to make things right.

This response is informative because it:

  • Explains why you are responding to the review.
  • Invites the customer to provide more information.
  • Expresses your commitment to improving your business.
  • Provides your contact information so that the customer can easily get in touch with you.

Tips for responding to 1-star reviews

Here are a few additional tips for responding to 1-star reviews:

  1. Respond promptly. The sooner you respond, the more likely the customer is to take you seriously.
  2. Be polite and professional. Even if the customer is angry or rude, you should maintain a calm and respectful tone.
  3. Take responsibility for your mistakes. If the customer had a bad experience, acknowledge your responsibility and apologize.
  4. Offer to make things right. If possible, offer the customer a refund, discount, or other form of compensation.
  5. Follow up. If the customer does contact you, be sure to follow up promptly and resolve their issue to their satisfaction.

By following these tips, you can respond to 1-star reviews in a way that is informative, professional, and helpful. This can help you to protect your reputation and build trust with potential customers.


Knowing how to respond to negative feedback is extremely important.

As you can see, all of the examples have the same format:

  1. Acknowledging the problem
  2. Addressing your sincere apology
  3. Telling them that they can resolve the issue
  4. Giving them contact information
  5. Moving the conversation offline

If you follow these crucial steps, you can deal with all kinds of customers and build strong relationships in no time.

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What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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