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SEO has played a vital role in driving traffic to a website and possibly leading to conversions.

What is a website without visitors?

Regardless of your website type, you need traffic and conversion, which can be challenging if SEO is not in place.

Hence, many website owners are seeking ways to meet the SEO checklist in 2023.

What is SEO?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and enhancing your website's presence in search engine results pages (SERPs) and driving traffic, is done through SEO.

There are other strategies to improve your website's exposure in search engine results pages but optimizing it for higher keyword ranks is the most popular.

Among the different forms of optimization are:

1. On-page Optimization

This method requires creating and updating content for your website and using pertinent keywords in them.

You can achieve good on-page optimization by using relevant keywords in page titles, header tags, and the body text of individual pages.

Furthermore, you may optimize your content for better search exposure by using internal and external links.

2. Off-Page Optimization

It involves the building and upkeep of connections from reputable websites that are relevant to your domain to your website.

Although link building is a crucial component of SEO, it is not always clear where to start.

Forums and blogs are a few internet tools that might assist you in this form of optimization.

3. Technical Optimization

Technical SEO ensures that a website conforms to the technical specifications of contemporary search engines to get higher organic rankings.

Website planning, website crawling, and indexing are crucial aspects of technical SEO.

‍So, what are your website's On-Page SEO Checklist and technical SEO checklist?

What is SEO?

At present, there are emerging SEO trends that will change SEO strategy:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Voice Search
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Content as Per Google EAT Rules
  • Featured Snippet
  • Predictive Search
  • Image Optimization
  • Local Search Listings

SEO Checklist for Your Website

Website Security

In 2023, implementing the technical SEO checklist is crucial.

It happens to be one of the first things that you must address.

It has been seen that Google and other search engines do not present a website that is not protected during keyword searches.

Search engines value users' protection, which is why a website that does not have HTTPS is rarely (sometimes never) displayed when queries are made.

To keep your website relevant in the scheme of things, a reliable SSL certificate is essential.

Many resellers offer discounted SSL certs like single domain, multi-domain or Wildcard SSL certificates that you can use on your website.

The padlock sign beside the address bar on most internet browsers indicates that a website is protected.

Most visitors who do not see this sign may feel less secure about your website and bounce off or stop visiting.

Similarly, it is the same way search engines will de-rank your website and rarely display it.

Website Security

Writing with People in Mind

The primary item on the on-page SEO checklist is writing with people in mind.

Previously, most websites wrote with only search engines in mind, creating content that would let their pages appear when specific keywords were typed.

However, top search engines like Google ensure that the results they display for users are content written with readers in mind.

What this means is that the content must be helpful and valuable to the reader.

It must also be easy to read and understand.

This on-page SEO checklist is important and it is a trend that won't fade.

Some website owners have started using tools like Yoast to meet the audience's readability criteria.

Content Optimization

For your on-page SEO, you need on-page optimization tips to ensure that you have ticked all the boxes in this checklist.

The first piece of advice is to generate long-form content. Once your content is more than 300 words, you have met the criteria. Ensuring your content is between 100 to 2500 words or more is ideal.

The reason is that when people spend a long time on your website, search engines notice it, and they are likely to send more traffic your way.

You should not create content when you have not done adequate keyword research.

Keyword research can help you determine which information to look for and which to include in your long-form content.

It is often advisable to go for a long-tail keyword since there is often less competition and more traffic.

After all, visitors are specific with what they want, and your website will likely appear.

Keyword research is an essential on-page optimization tip in 2023 that must not be neglected.

The second On-Page SEO Checklist ensures that you have a Meta description and Meta title.

In your Meta description, your primary keyword has to be included, and the description has to be short and compelling enough to intrigue readers to click on it and read the whole content.

You should include your primary keyword on the Meta title too.

Content Optimization

Mobile Friendliness

Around 87% of internet users access search engines and websites from their mobile phones.

This reason has made it increasingly crucial for website owners to ensure that their website is mobile-friendly. It is a technical SEO checklist as well as an On-Page SEO Checklist.

Some website builders forget to check how responsive their website is on a mobile device.

They also fail to check the friendliness of the user interface. There are themes or designs that appear beautiful when viewed on a laptop or personal computer.

Conversely, the mobile view and experience is dismal. It is also important to note that some plugins and themes contribute to a website's slow loading time.

According to the most recent SEO statistics gathered in 2022, mobile session rates are 70% lower when comparing sites that take more than five seconds to load versus sites that load in less than five seconds.

Google claims that a one-second delay might result in a 20% decrease in conversion.

Therefore, to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, you need a good and responsive design and theme and some apps to speed up your website.

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Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to handle your content (e.g. images) can help improve your website loading speed.

Optimize media files to ensure that the correct sizes display on various screen sizes (phones and PCs).

For a complete overview of how mobile-friendly your website is, use the Google Search Console tool and tap on the Mobile Usability tab to inspect your website.

Also, use Website Auditor's mobile bot crawler to view the pages on your website.

You may use Google's mobile search engine to see your website.

Mobile Freindliness

Links are an essential On-Page SEO optimization criterion to carry out.

Some website owners neglect the importance of internal links and backlinks on their pages to drive traffic.

When bots crawl websites, they also look for internal links to other content on your website.

You can lose out on indexing and good traffic when relevant links are left out.

When adding external links to your website or getting backlinks from other websites, ensure the websites are credible and secure.

You can also optimize the URLs of your pages for them to be specific to your content and website.

Also, ensure that you remove all broken links on your websites.

You may set 301 redirects on those broken links so that you do not lose out on traffic or experience high bounce rates on your website.


Mastering SEO for your website is an ongoing process because it is constantly changing and must be improved.

But these checklists provided for you are the basic ones you must meet.

So, tick these checklists on your website today.

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