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Published by: Jameela Ghann

Most eCommerce stores will get a review when they ask for one! You can get lots of product reviews with well-timed and personalized review request emails.

Of course, you'll need good subject lines for your review request emails so that your customer actually opens it! So here are the

Best Subject Lines for a Review Request Email

  1. [Customer Name], thank you…
  2. Tell us what you thought about [product name]
  3. Take 2 seconds to tell us how we did, [first name]!
  4. Did you like [product name]?
  5. Thanks for your order! Here’s a link to leave a review
  6. How was your [instert product category here]?
  7. Earn [reward] when you leave a review today
  8. Tell us about your experience and get [incentive]
  9. We’re offering [insert incentive] for telling us what you think
  10. [First name], what do you think about [product name]?

Review Request Subject Lines that Get Results!

➡️ Start using Fera Product Reviews for FREE

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

What Makes a Review Request Subject Line Awesome?

Requesting Reviews From Customers

There are a few factors that make a review request subject line effective.

  1. Urgency
  2. Personalization
  3. Incentives
  4. Timeliness


It seems to be the case that review request subject lines that evoke a sense of urgency are more successful at getting opened (and a review).

Using language that compels your customers to open your review request email, will help you get a better open rate and more reviews!

Urgency Based Review Request Subject Line Examples

  • How did you like [Product name]? Share your thoughts now.
  • Limited time only: Get rewarded for reviewing [product name] today!
  • Your feedback is crucial! Review [product name] before the offer ends.


If you are requesting reviews from your customers, its a good idea to make it feel like you are talking to them one-on-one. You can do this by including your customer's name in the subject line.

If you can't do that, use their name in the body of the e-mail. You can also personalize the email based on the product they have ordered or their location!

Using the best review app for Shopify makes it easy to customize your review request email.

Personalized Review Request Subject Line Examples

  • [Customer Name], we'd love to hear your feedback about [product name].
  • [First name], how did [product name] live up to your expectations?
  • Tell us what you think of [product name], [customer name]. Your feedback matters!

Message Customization Ongoing

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.


Customers love to get a little extra from a company that they love.

This is why including an inventive in your review request email subject line is so important! Customers to leave you a review if there is something in it for them.

If you are asking for a lot (like a photo or a video) make sure to give them a better inventive. Remember, your customers’ time is valuable and the review that they will give you will help you make more sales.

Just make sure that the inventive works for both you and your customer!

With Fera, you can offer

  • Discounts
  • Loyalty points
  • Cash Back!

Inventive Based Review Request Subject Lines

  • [Reward] is waiting for you! Leave a review now.
  • Get exclusive access to [incentive] with your review.
  • Don't miss out! Share your experience and earn [incentive].



Timing is everything in the post-purchase experience and review request follow up! Everything is about instant gratification in eCommerce and online shopping. That is why you want to send out a review request as soon as your customer has gotten their order!

Timing your review request just right is critical to your response rate.

  • Send it too early, and you will get reviews that they haven't gotten their item. 
  • Send it too late and the excitement of getting their new product has worn off!

Make sure you time your review requests just right.

P.S. You can customize when you send out your review requests with Fera!

Three more review request subject lines you can use!

  • Did you enjoy your experience? Let us know!
  • Could you help us improve? Share your feedback today.
  • Your thoughts matter: Leave a review of [brand name] today.

When is the best Time to Send Review Requests?

Fera recommends a default setting of 14 days after order fulfillment, the optimal timing for review requests can vary depending on several factors:

Product Categories

Consumable Products

For fast-moving consumer goods like make up, food, and occasion items consider requesting reviews within a week of purchase, as the product experience is still fresh in the customer's mind.

Durable Goods

Wait longer, possibly 30-60 days, to ask for requests on durable goods since customers need more time to evaluate the product's functionality and longevity.


Request reviews after a few billing cycles for subscription services to gauge ongoing satisfaction and engagement.

Does Fera Allow Automated Review Request Scheduling?

Yes, Fera allows you to automatically send review request emails based on specific triggers like:

  • Order fulfilled: Requesting reviews after an order is sent out.
  • Delivery date: Waiting until customers receive the product ensures they have had a chance to experience it before sharing their feedback.
  • Order created: Triggering requests when orders are created. This is good for items like digital downloads.

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What about when your customer has opened your email?

Keep it short and direct

Tell customers exactly what they should be doing in their review. If you are asking for a photo or video reviews, tell your customers to send you a photo of their plant on their desk or them taking a selfie with their new notepad.

Read More: How to Get Customers to Leave Video Reviews

Everyone is busy, and no one wants to think.

Make it easy!

Check your grammar and keep it real

Along with perfect grammar and non-sales language, customers want honesty and authenticity.

Make your message sound like you actually care about what they think. You'll get more responses and higher quality reviews!

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Create a review request campaign today

Now you know what to write in your review request subject line, so go ahead and use a review request email template in your next campaign and display your testimonials and reviews on your Shopify store with Fera today!

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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